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沉默寡言网 1149 2024-07-05 01:40:50




2024-07-05 01:05

At the unveiling ceremony, Eric Mar, a former board member who initiated the process, choked back tears when he said that he has a 17-year-old daughter and that Lee's courage to stand up against sexual violence and historical crimes is an inspiration for people fighting for justice

2024-07-05 01:04

The subsidy scheme did not work, costing the country 8 billion US dollars and leaving it with vast stockpiles of rice

2024-07-05 00:08

"Everybody else will have to do their share; they cannot leave this issue to China alone," Cui said

2024-07-05 00:01

China is a big country, so officials have to collaborate with each other well

2024-07-04 23:24

"There is still hope for peace, we must not give up," Wang said during his speech at the UN General Assembly on Thursday